


The Hirschmann RS30-2402O6O6SDAE Managed Ethernet Switch belongs to the RS30 product line. It runs on a voltage rating of 12 Volts DC, 24 Volts DC, and 48 Volts DC or 24 Volts AC. This managed switch has an environmental protection rating of IP 20.

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About RS30-2402O6O6SDAE

The RS30-2402O6O6SDAE Managed Ethernet Switch by Hirschmann Automation is manufactured as part of the Hirschmann RS30 series. It features a total of 24 Ethernet ports, and it operates on a DC voltage rating of 12, 24, and 48 Volts DC, with 9.6 to 60 Volts DC redundant input voltage, and on 24 Volts AC operating voltage with 18 to 30 Volts AC redundant input voltage. This device also supports DIN Rail mounting and it comes in a compact and fanless design. This managed switch has an operational temperature range of 0 to 60 degrees Celsius as well as a -40 to 70 degrees Celsius of storage temperature range. It has a tolerable relative humidity of 10 to 95 percent with no condensation for operation and storage. The Hirschmann RS30-2402O6O6SDAE Managed Ethernet Switch features the IP 20 protection class rating, it has a weight of 600 grams, and it measures approximately 110 x 131 x 111 millimeters. The shock rating of this device is 15 g for 11 milliseconds duration and 18 shocks.


The Hirschmann Automation RS30-2402O6O6SDAE Managed Ethernet Switch has the standard presetting, and it runs with electrostatic discharge immunity rating of 6 kilovolts for the contact discharge and an immunity rating of 8 kilovolts for the air discharge. The current consumption rating of this unit is 628 milliamps at 24 Volts DC, and 313 milliamps at 48 Volts DC. It has a power output rating of 51.6 BTU per hour as heat. Other noteworthy features, specifications, and benefits of this Ethernet switch include its serial interface, web interface, and HiVision file transfer feature which are used for device management purposes. The RS30-2402O6O6SDAE Managed Ethernet Switch also has LED indicators, a log file, and a relay contact for diagnostics purposes. This device supports both star and line topologies, as well as a 50-switch HIPER-Ring structure with 0.3 seconds of rated reconfiguration time.


Technical specifications


Managed Switches


Ethernet Switch

Managed Ethernet Switch


12, 24, 48V DC or 24V AC

-40 to 70 degrees Celsius

0 to 60 degrees Celsius

600 g

IP 20

110 x 131 x 111 mm

10 to 95 percent (no condensation)


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