

Description:  The Cisco PWR-C45-1400DC-P is a 1400 Watts DC Power Supply for the Catalyst 4500 Series.

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About PWR-C45-1400DC-P

Product Overview:

The Cisco® Catalyst® 4500E Series power supply range differentiates themselves from the others with its “Power over Ethernet” or “inline power” facility. PWR-C45-1400DC-P power supply is one of the highest selling items of this series for its integrated power entry module (PEM). This PWR-C45-1400DC-P eos is supported with a varied number of Catalyst 4500 E-series switches: Catalyst 4510R+E, Catalyst 4506-E, Catalyst 4507R+E, Catalyst 4507R+E, Catalyst 4507R-E and Catalyst 4503-E.

Product Specification:

The DC-input voltage of this Cisco PWR-C45-1400DC-P power supply is –48 to –60 VDC for Data Only and –48 to –60 VDC for inline devices. The DC-input current of Cisco PWR-C45-1400DC-P specification is 31 A @ –60 VDC for data only mode and 180 A maximum @ –48 VDC input for data and inline devices. The input power of PWR-C45-1400DC-P smartnet is always configurable in the CLI. Power dc input is the Cisco IOS command; you need to configure the switch software in order to match the requirements of the switch.

Power supply output capacity:

The Power supply output capacity that Cisco PWR-C45-1400DC-P installation guide includes is 3.3 VDC @ 10 A and 12 VDC @120 A for data and a maximum of 140 A in total or 35 A maximum each per 5 channels at –48 to –60 VDC input for inline devices. 2267 W maximum (combined mode) and 1367 W+ 40 W (redundant mode) for data is also included into the Power supply output capacity. Power supply output capacity (redundant mode) and 7280 W maximum (combined mode) both for PoE Power supply output capacity. The Cisco PWR-C45-1400DC-P accepts and runs on ‘10 to 12 AWG size copper wires’. Not on the PWR-C45-1400DC-P specifications, the actual size of the wire that will be attached depends on the local electrician who will install the power supply.

Power Supply Specifications:

The Cisco PWR-C45-1400DC-P features include 4 ms as Output holdup time. Heat dissipation meaning the process and formulation with which a machine cools itself is quite appreciable of it: 159 BTUs/hr for only data and 2905 BTUs/hr for both data and voice.

Power Supply LEDs:

The LED input OK means for PWR-C45-1400DC-P power supply is Source DC voltage is OK (–40.5 VDC or greater) when it’s green; when Source DC voltage falls below –-33 VDC, it shows ‘off’. ‘FAN OK’ command shows ‘green’ when the ‘Power supply fan is operating properly’ and shows ‘off’ when ‘Power supply fan failure is detected’. ‘OUTPUT FAIL’ shows ‘red’ when any problem is detected with one or more DC-output voltages of the power supply. ‘Off’ is shown for ‘DC-output voltage with acceptable margins’.

For In-line PWR LED of PWR-C45-1400DC-P power supply, ‘green’ stands for 48 VDC passthrough output voltage is enabled (>–39 VDC & < –60 VDC). Here’s ‘off’ signifies any of these 3: DC input is <–40.5 VDC, Passthrough breakers are not enabled or One or more –48 VDC outputs < –39 VDC. PWR-C45-1400DC-P eos shows ‘amber’ when ‘Passthrough breakers are enabled and input voltage exceeds –60 VDC’.

Ordering Information:

PWR-C45-1400DC-P ordering information includes Cisco Catalyst 4500 1400 WDC Power Supply along with PEM (PoE).

Additional Information:

One caution that should be always given while interacting with this kind of high-voltage power supplies is that you should never mix up and install PWR-C45-1400DC-P power supply with any other power supply. This installing error can lead to serious damage to your switch. The terminal block material of Cisco PWR-C45-1400DC-P user manual will show as 150°C.


Technical specifications


Power Supply


Catalyst 4500



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