

Description:   The Cisco WS-C3750X-48PF-E IP Services has 48 PoE+ Total Ethernet Ports, 1005 Total VLANs, and a 1100W AC Power Supply. It operates with a 256 MB DRAM, a 64 MB Flash, and a 160 Gbps Switching Fabric.

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About WS-C3750X-48PF-E

Product Overview:

Cisco Stackable network switches are the best of this kind. Along with working as a full-functioning standalone switch, this can work with multiple network switches while acting like one unified switch with the capacity of the entire lot. Cisco is well-known for its varied range of stackable switches and Cisco WS-C3750X-48PF-E is one of the most prominent ones.

High-tech security, scalability, energy efficiency and easy-operative features are what this WS-C3750X-48PF-E smartnet is adored for. Along with features like hardware encryption (switch-to-switch + Service Module uplink), Flexible NetFlow, hardware-based MACsec encryption and PoE+ with 30W power (all port, factor 1 rack unit), Cisco WS-C3750X-48PF-E download as a part of Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series will provide you with 3 unique technological features: Cisco StackWise Plus for enhanced usability and resiliency (64 Gbps throughput), Cisco StackPower™ technology (power sharing feature among all stack members) and backward compatibility plus investment protection.


There are 4 uplink network module options with Cisco WS-C3750X-48PF-E datasheet 3with either GE or 10 GE ports. OSPF or Open Shortest Path First is another feature of WS-C3750X-48PF-E firmware that works for IP base image router access. There are 3 prominent hardware security features that are multicast-routing, IPv6 and IPv4 routing and advanced QoS with ws-c3750x-48pf eol. Ws-c3750x-48PF-E configuration guide provides with 3 standard features of 3 different aspects: LLW lifetime warranty, advanced hardware replacement by the next business day and TAC support access for 90 days.


Cisco WS-C3750X-48PF-E specification says this switch as one of the most proficient IP services from Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series with 48 PoE+ Total 10/100/1000 of Ethernet Ports along with 1100W and 800W of respective Default AC Power Supply and available PoE power capacity.


Being an IP service based stackable switch, Cisco WS-C3750X-48PF-E specs is equipped with advanced 3-layer switching features: IPv4 and IPv6. The Cisco WS-C3750X-48PF-E IP service stackable switch is a full-enterprise service-based module that incorporates with multiple high-end technologies like EIGRP routing protocol, BGP protocol, OSPF, PIM multicast along with  IPv6 routing, OSPFv3 and EIGRPv6 being the most prominent two.

There is one more technology called “Cisco IOS® Software activation” let customer upgrade each and every Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series stackable switch with all the existing features sets.

Cisco StackWise plus Technology is one of the premium stacking architectures of the market dedicatedly optimized for GbE. Redeploying, deleting and adding responses from Cisco WS-C3750X-48PF-E end of life switch while maintaining the uninterrupted high-speed service is the responsibility of this technology.

Service Module:

Line rate Flexible NetFlow (40G) is the most recent addition to the Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series stackable switches for Security Anomaly Detection (SAD) and Network Monitoring. This being the mother technology consists of 3 sub-features: simultaneous flows of 32,000, supported version of 9 along with 128 simultaneous monitors (active).

MACsec encryption of Line rate (40G) is another mother technology. Compliance conformation, compass view of 2 types: Aggregated Campus View (ACV) and Granular Local, productivity and asset utilization are few of the top service module features the Cisco WS-C3750X-48PF-E specification list includes.

Power Supply Models:

Cisco WS-C3750X-48PF-E power supply runs on C3KX-PWR-1100WAC as Default Power Supply with 800W of Available PoE Power.


Intelligent Power over Ethernet Management (IPoEM) is the mother technology present on the Cisco Catalyst 3750-X PoE models that include sub-technologies named power consumption/port command, PoE power sensing/port measurement, The PoE MIB for different levels of power-level thresholds and Cisco Discovery Protocol (2).

Ordering Information:

The Cisco WS-C3750X-48PF-E ordering information includes power supply of 1100W AC, 10/100/1000 Ethernet PoE+ ports (Stackable 48) (1RU) and all IP Services feature set.


Technical specifications


IP Services

48 PoE+


160 Gbps

256 MB

64 MB



101.2 mpps

1.75 x 17.5 x 19.5 in.

7.6 kg

10-5 A



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