Description: The DCS-7280SR-48C6-M-F data center switch manufactured by Arista Networks encompasses six 100GbE ports. The product incorporates multiple Layer 2 and Layer 3 features. It offers 2.16 Tbps of wire speed performance.
Warranty: | 1 year Networking-Hardware Warranty Included |
Shipping: | Worldwide shipping via DHL, UPS, Fedex, and TNT |
Repairs: | We offer repair service for the DCS-7280SR-48C6-M-F. |
Exchange: | Exchange credit for your defective unit available. |
The Arista DCS-7280SR-48C6-M-F data center switch is all about high efficiency and high perfornance. The product houses a quad-core x86 CPU for seamless operation. It houses multiple memory options. The switch portrays throughput rate of 2.16 Tbps. The product renders its support to Linux tools like custom kernel modules, RPM and bash shell access plus scripting. Its fixed priority, distributed scheduling and virtual output queuing functionalities offer assurance of system scalability. The switch has two USB ports and one serial port to ease the connectivity process. The product operation takes place at a temperature ranging anywhere from 0 C to 40 C. The switch is kept cool during the operation phase by means of its hot-swap fans with front to rear airflow circulation. It comes with a fan tray to place the fans. The switch makes use of two 500 WAC power supplies with one of them being redundant in nature. The product depicts 720 Mpps packet transfer rate. It supports expansion of the standard system memory. The switch incorporates storm control and environmental monitoring to support operation even in adverse conditions. The product complies with EMC and low voltage European Union directives. This Arista DCS-7280SR-48C6-M-F switch features certifications from various countries across the globe.
One redundant AC power supply Programmatic access to system state 64 ports per channel Control plane protection Strict priority queuing
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